8 Ways to Conserve Water When Landscaping This Summer (With Infographic)
We go all winter with a bare yard, no colour, and brown plants. So it’s only natural, when spring and summer come around, that you want to indulge in lush greenery throughout your property. But that increase in outdoor water usage comes with a price – figuratively and literally. In…

How to Build a Drought Tolerant Landscape
You can do a lot to build a more environmentally friendly garden. Use local plants. Stick to the rules and don’t use banned pesticides. Coat your topsoil with mulch. The biggest impact, however, comes from using less water to maintain your garden. That means planting drought tolerant plants so you…

Drainage For Unusually Wet Properties
If you have an unusually wet property, this time of year might be your least favourite. Even though the sun is out and every day is a little warmer than the last, all you can think about is the saturation in your back yard and the moisture pushing in on…

The Right Way to Close Your Backyard Pond for Fall & Winter
Earlier in 2016, Grand River Natural Stone published a blog on the right way to open your backyard pond for spring. This is the companion piece: making sure it’s safely and properly shut down before the cold weather arrives. FALL PREPARATION Even though you may want to keep your pond…

Water-Saving Lawn Care Tips
For many people, summer brings about a lawn care dilemma: Use more water than usual in order to maintain a nice, green lawn, or… Put the sprinkler away and watch the grass dry out and turn brown It doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition, though. By following some helpful…

The Right Way to Open Your Backyard Pond for Spring
Over winter, did you miss the gentle sounds of water flowing through your backyard pond? And did you miss the relaxing feeling which comes with watching pond fish swim to and fro? Well, now that spring is here, you can finally put your pond back into service by following these…

DIY Pond Construction
With people purchasing photographs and paintings of beautiful water landscapes to hang on the walls of their home, or even buying CDs and apps on their mobile devices that play the natural ambiance that running water provides, why not have the real thing right in your own yard? Constructing a pond…